Monday, April 30, 2012


          Thank you for approaching this article. I believe you are looking information regarding how to naturally make yourself taller. In this article, there are mainly consist of three things that you really need to know which is your diet, doing exercises and practice good posture. After reading this article, you should be able to make yourself taller than now.

Firstly, by having good dieting habit. Do you know that your diet has one of the biggest effects on your bones and your height? As addition to that, if you’re not getting enough nutrients when you're young can result in stunted growth? Why? Because it’s true, calcium in some aspect is very important for healthy, growing bones. Foods that are rich in protein, amino acids, calories, and other nutrients can help your body for what it needs to have enough energy and stamina. From this, by eating right, we can grow taller.

Secondly, by doing exercise regularly. Exercise was just not important in keeping our body condition, but also can help our body to get taller. One of the best exercises is swimming. Swimming is a very effective method promoting growth because when a person swims,he will be able to stretch completely the entire spinal column. Did you know, that the most important stroke that you can use when swimming to be able to grow taller is the breaststroke. Breaststroke can help by maximize your body’s stretching.

Thirdly, practice a good posture. When you rolling your shoulders hunching over can actually affect the curvature of your growing spine and it’s not good to our body in terms of growing height. So, you should, walk with purpose instead of slouching or slinking, and try to sit up straight when you're in chairs. Also remember to keep your shoulders back, chin high, and hips over your feet. What important is, even if you're not actually getting taller, by having good posture will make you look taller.

These are just some of the tips on how to get taller naturally.  But, just reading my article only, you just only get information. To make things work, you have to take action. Take your action now!

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